Thursday, June 5, 2014

What Was I Thinking?

As a freelancer, I often find myself looking for new ways to make some cash. It's a never-ending process because I encounter so many workload fluctuations.

For example, from February through mid-April I had so much work that I didn't now what to do with myself. Then, things started to slow down. By the end of May I was making about half of what I was making previously. Essentially, I am entering the "famine" part of the feast-or-famine equation.

The thing is, even though the famine part is rough, I wouldn't have it any other way. You see, while I try not to make my autoimmune disease define me, that doesn't stop it from affecting me.

  • On the days when I'm moving in slow motion, I welcome the ability to take it easy, without having to ask permission to take care of myself.
  • On the days when I can barely make it out of bed, I am grateful that I don't have to wake up at a specific time each day.
  • On the days when I can't deal with the world, I'm happy that I can cocoon myself in my home.
Being self-employed is a hassle, but it's also perfect for my situation. So, until I can find a "real" job that allows me to work from home, with minimal contact with the public, and allows me to have downtime (as long as my productivity is on point), I'll stick to freelancing.

So, why am I telling you all this? Well, earlier today I signed up to write blog entries on a fairly well-known blog site that pays based page views and ad  clicks.

Since they want people to write about their passion, and thyroid disease is mine, I thought I would move (hypothy)'Roid Rage to that platform.

Then I thought, "why?"

I mean, sure, that other platform might get me more exposure, but it might also mean that I can't use the colorful language of which I am so fond. It might mean that I don't get to be fully me. After all, this blog does have "Rage" in the title. It's not supposed to be all puppies and kittens.

Plus, if I'm going to promise to do at least two entries per week, I might as well do it here, right?

What was I thinking, starting over at a new site, when I have a perfectly good blog here?

So, there you go. Consider this entry one of the new phase of (hypothy)'Roid Rage.

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