Monday, June 9, 2014

A (small) Defense of the TSH Test

I can KIND OF understand why doctors prefer using the TSH test to diagnose and treat hypothyroidism, instead of the old-school method of ACTUALLY LISTENING to their patients.

No, really, I can.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Why Gluten-Free Cheerleaders Work My Every Last Nerve

When I was first diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, I joined a lot of online support groups in the hopes of finding people to share my experiences with. Every time I mentioned that I was new, I would get bombarded with suggestions… no, not suggestions, people INSISTING that I absolutely HAD to go gluten-free, or else.

There were absolutely no ifs, ands, or buts about it. If I had Hashimoto’s, it was imperative that I remove any and all traces of gluten from my diet, lest I die a horrible, slow, and painful death.

When I told them that I’d done the research on gluten and was pretty sure that I didn’t have an issue with it, I was told that I just didn’t know how sick I was. That, once I quit gluten, I would feel so much better and realize exactly how wrong I am.

Well, fuck you.

What Was I Thinking?

As a freelancer, I often find myself looking for new ways to make some cash. It's a never-ending process because I encounter so many workload fluctuations.

For example, from February through mid-April I had so much work that I didn't now what to do with myself. Then, things started to slow down. By the end of May I was making about half of what I was making previously. Essentially, I am entering the "famine" part of the feast-or-famine equation.